We were all pretty tired and slept peacefully during the night. Other than a few odd sounds, it was mostly uneventful. When I woke in the morning, my wife had coffee from the propane stove and breakfast cooking. I heard Ed rustling around in his sleeping bag, and I looked at my watch, and it said it was 10 minutes after 11:00. My wife said when she was getting up it was just getting light---about an hour before. I guessed that daybreak was at about 10:00 A.M. This must have been the summertime there.
It was an amazing place, and I decided to call it Twin Phoenix because of the two suns. The plant life there grew in abundance. I know that on Earth everything is grown and harvested by humans, but on that planet, Twin Phoenix, the bigfoot creatures are the main people. There was no other sign of civilization, but many signs of different kinds of animals.
The foliage there reminded me of pictures I’d seen of prehistoric Earth. All the plant life was huge and wildlife was everywhere. There was an animal there that flies, I guess a gryphon. I never seen a real one, but this looked like pictures in books that I’d seen.
I’d tasted the water the day before, and it seemed fine. I didn’t get sick.
None of the bigfoot creatures had approached us, but I did get the sense they knew we were there, and we were not the first. Ed seemed really freaked out, really nervous and jittery all the time. Linda and I just seemed to go with the flow. The wonders of that world were amazing.
Since we’d been there, about eight days, there had been long days and short nights. Summer like weather, and it had rained only twice for about ten minutes. The animals there, believe it or not, were all Earth’s mythical creatures, or so I thought. The mythical creatures must have come from that world. The doorway must have been open to our world in our ancient times, letting creatures from this world come through. I think the bigfoot creatures must have closed the doorway a couple thousand years ago. Some would come through the passageway. Just enough to get into our history books. Also, I finally understood why there were no bones or even bigfoot bodies. They made sure that all remnants of any bodies were brought back through the passageway.
All I can say is, that was an amazing place. We’d been walking west towards the sunset for the eight days we’d been there. We’d been following the river since we’d been there, downstream. The fruit and fish were plentiful. It was a tropical area.
In all the time we’d been there, traveling, we’d never run across a mean animal. A little curious, but nothing dangerous. We seen other animals fishing and eating fish, and there was definitely enough to go around. The fruit was also real similar to ours and in great abundance. The nights, so far, were no colder than the mid-50s. I don’t recall who said, “You learn something new every day,” but how true! Especially in a world such as this.
I left camp and went down to the river one morning. When I looked up from drinking in the water, a bigfoot creature was there. He started talking to me, only he didn’t speak. I heard him in my head. It was odd, but he said we’d been watched us since we came to that land, and as long as we ate fish and fruit, everything was fine. He said no one harmed animals there. He said we could fish and eat fruit. I asked how he could talk by thinking the words, and he said they’d done it for centuries. The doorways to our world used to be open all the time, but humans killed animals, and so they closed the doors centuries ago.
He said, “In our world there are some humans, but we are the dominant species, like humans are on your world.” We talked for quite a while. I told him we would obey their rules while we were there, then thanked him and went back to camp.
I told my wife and friend what had happened and the rules of the land. We made a pact never to let anyone know of that world. Something was said by the bigfoot, he said his name was Ko-Roo, and I remember he said “doorways,” meaning there was more than one doorway. He said that, depending on what region we were in, the animals would be different. Most animals there were much more highly evolved than on Earth.
I’d seen unicorns, dodo birds, phoenix birds, gryphons, small gargoyles…and all the usual animals, such as bears, squirrels, deer, elk, birds, ducks, horses, etc. So many more. All I can say, that place was amazing. My wife is like me and wanted to explore as much as we could, but Ed was getting homesick. Understandable. We’d been gone for going on two weeks by then. We’d learned everything is such a short period of time! We’d been marking our way and following the river. Ed had decided to leave the next morning to go back home. He promised not to say anything of his adventures.
My wife and I made it an early night, and before we knew it, it was morning. We said goodbye to Ed and figured if he followed the river, he should be able to get back to the doorway in two weeks or less. Now it seemed to us that it was time to explore more. Halfway into the first day without Ed, the river forked off in three directions. Of the two smaller forks, one went north and one went south, and the third continued west. We’d been coming from the east, so we continued west. The further west we continued, the more trails we ran across. Finally, we came into a pretty big village.
It was mainly a bigfoot village. I introduced myself to one of them, and he said he knew who I was. Ko-Roo had told him. He said his name was Mar-Gun, leader of that village, and he said all bigfoot are mentally connected. He hadn’t really seen Ko-Roo, but they spoke mentally. He asked where the third one in our party was. I told him Ed went home. He could tell, mentally, that they had nothing to fear from us.
Mar-Gun welcomed us and invited us to stay in the village for a while. We were overwhelmed with the idea. They seemed to be such calm creatures, but also a take-charge kind of people. They told us they have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and that they were a migratory species. They told us they will reveal themselves to humans, but for now we just keep killing each other.
They said their species eat fish and fruit and other vegetation, but they never harm each other. They have visited us, and have been called Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Abominable Snowman, and others, down through the years. In medieval times, they were called trolls, and down through the years, they tried to get along with humans, but all the humans would do is try to hunt and kill them. They still visited Earth sometimes, but not like they used to. They tried not to be seen anymore, and they closed most of the doorways. Only the hidden doorways had been left open. They said that they’d kept their world simple without the so-called improvements that humans have made. They also said that the Native Americans of our world used to worship them, and that they would talk to the tribes, but that now the days of old were long gone…
[To be continued!!!!]
---Randy Long
Here’s how to find the other sections:
“Bigfoot” Part One
“Bigfoot” Part Two
“Bigfoot” Part Three
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