Anacondor is a mighty galactic warrior made of blood, bone, and machine, in a super human X-O-Suit, permanently bonded together, originally to fight against enemies of Earth. After the great galactic wars of 2075, they retired Anacondor, and he became a mercenary for hire.
His body is made of super bonded aluminoid, practically impenetrable. His body armor can camouflage itself by light refraction, making Anacondor virtually invisible. His weapons are two fusion reactive pulse weapons, using sound and air to create a wave to demolish anything in their path. For close in fighting, his body armor can change it molecular structure to form weapons of aluminoid. Anacondor is the ultimate weapon, with only one code: never fight against Earth and its defenses.
Anacondor for hire!
In the galactic wars of 2075, the mighty Earth was attacked by Sorons from Sorilliam. The Sorons were a perilous foe. They originally sent out a mother ship hidden behind the moon, with supplies for an impending war to end all wars.
They came to Earth saying that we were their seeds, and they visited Earth thousands of years ago, looking somewhat like us. We were taken in at first, thinking they wanted peace. They were pale white, anemic looking, and genetically similar, but with differences. They were all about 7 feet tall, but hunched over, looking closer to 6 ft or 6 ft 5 inches, hairless, and their teeth were all pointed. We found out later that the Sorons were a scavenger race that would go from planet to planet stealing the knowledge and consuming the inhabitants. Yes, they would eat the people.
The Sorons were a divided race. Half the population became cannibals, and the other, hunters, were called Vorons. The Vorons chased the Sorons across the galaxy. The Vorons, the hunters, were 7 ft tall, good complexion, regular teeth, but hairless.
After a thousand years of fighting and chasing Sorons, the Vorons were half the force they started with. At first, the Sorons showed up saying that we were their seeds. Not true, we were just similar, genetically. They were waiting for the mother ship to resupply the scout ships.
We were all shocked when the Sorons started attacking and eating the dead and dying. Our technology wasn’t up to their technology, but we adapted quickly. About the time the human race was failing, the Vorons landed. We thought we’d had it about then, and they explained who they were. They told us they were the sworn enemies of the Sorons, and told us everything the Sorons had done. The Vorons immediately started sharing their technology. Between theirs and ours, we had a fighting chance.
The Sorons had even ravaged their own home planet. When their ships left their planet, Sorilliam, the Vorons stayed to help rebuild the planet, and all the Sorons left the planet. The Vorons left enough Vorons to repopulate the planet and to build up the defenses, if the Sorons ever came back.
The remaining Vorons left for the stars to eliminate the Sorons, once and for all. They’ve been chasing the Sorons for a thousand years, finally hoping to eliminate the Sorons forever.
Between their technology and ours, we started our way back. We started making super soldiers, though not with the power of Anacondor, not at first, but super soldiers just the same. For once, we were kicking their ass. The Sorons never expected we would merge technologies, the Vorons’ and the Earthlings’, between the Vorons’ ships and our super soldiers. We would bring our super soldiers to the Sorons with the Vorons ships, and our super soldiers would have a fighting chance.
We would fight, but if we were dying or dead, the Sorons would pack people away for food. That didn’t sit well with anybody and would make all fight harder and to last breath. The Sorons would kill their victims with a final blow by biting the victim’s jugular vein in their neck, and they would bleed out.
Finally, we were holding our own, but not killing enough, when we went back to our new-found technology and created a better super soldier, which seemed to turn the tide. The Sorons were falling, while we were advancing our abilities. We were taking back control. The Vorons were becoming a part of our society, and we welcomed them whole heartedly.
About then, we tried merging human and machine and created Anacondor, the greatest weapon of mankind and alien technology.
Anacondor didn’t need a ship and was more powerful than any super soldier ever made, with one objective: eliminate Sorons, and defeat any attackers of Earth. The Sorons had devolved into something different, genetically, than Vorons or humans. Anacondor could track the Sorons. We finally defeated them, making sure that any escaping Sorons were killed, down to the last Soron, eliminating a complete race.
The Vorons could finally go home, and Earth was now strong enough to withstand any attack from outer space. It was time to rebuild our lives, and any Vorons were welcome to stay on Earth. The bloody threat was finally gone.
Anacondor was retired, with many honors and medals, but for now was no longer needed, with the distinction of knowing that if Earth ever needed the Champion of Earth, Anacondor would be there, with the stealth of a snake and the flight of a condor.
—Randy Long
Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure of Anacondor, a super soldier!
[Originally posted 16 Apr. 2013 @ The Primitive Entertainment Workshop]
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