Wednesday, August 25, 2021

"New Krypto Kicks NFT Trading Cards!" by Richard F. Yates

 Introducing the most exciting new collectible of the CENTURY! From the idiosyncratic mind behind "Crypto Primitive Trading Cards" comes a new series of 13 HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE, blockchain minted, NFT trading cards based on the Holy Fool's most foolish outsider works o' art! Each card will be released in an edition of 13 with 13 total cards per series, all for only ONE TEZ EACH! (Is he MAD? That remains a serious question for the scholars to consider!) Regardless, get your mits on one of these oddball classics QUICKLY before they're ALL GONE! And, of course, do forget to COLLECT THEM ALL! (Impress your friends, confuse your enemies, and help with that "INSANITY DEFENSE" when it all goes to trial! It's an all around win for everyone!!!)

NEW KRYPTO KICKS - Series 01, #01

"I'm Back"

As of 2:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 3 of the 13 cards for NKK #1 have already sold! Time is running out!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Friday, August 20, 2021

“On Exhibition!!! (In Real Life)” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Howdy Humans (and other Entities)! Here’s a silly thing that I made. I’m still experimenting with how I might combine physical media, text, drawing, and digital manipulation into a single piece of work. This was yesterday’s experiment. (It’s not meant to be a “FINISHED MASTERPIECE,” only a “can this work?”

[Felt pen, paint pen, liner pen, Sharpie, and Hi-Liter pen on “aged” paper with typing, digital manipulation, and some color additions.]


Speaking of IN REAL LIFE arts, if you are in the Pacific Northwest (in the United States), you currently have the opportunity to see some of my physical paintings out in the WILD! There are 23 works of mine on display in the Writing Center at Washington State University @ Vancouver, in Vancouver, WA, RIGHT NOW, and these paintings will be up until the end of the fall semester! (Early to mid-December 2021.)

If you stop by to check them out, be sure to mention that you’re there to see the ART! (WSUV is a pay-to-park campus, but you can save $4.00 if you park in the “15 minutes” temp parking right in front of the Admin Building, then run through the quad (by the rock garden / fountain), into the Library Building, take the stairs or the elevator, and zip right into the Writing Center (on the 2nd floor.) Depending on when you go, they might ask you to make an appointment (if it’s busy), but just tell them that YATES sent you to look at the paintings, and they’ll get out of the way and let you in!


For people interested in BUYING any of these works (all original, hand painted, on stretched canvas), I’m thinking $20 (USD) for the little ones, $25 for the medium sized, and $30 for the large. We can do a Paypal deal, and the works can be collected at the end of the semester. I’m not particularly interested in shipping, but if you’re desperate, we can negotiate a price based on actual costs. Let me know! Honestly, I don’t mind if these come just come home when they’re done. One or two of them are pieces I really like, and there’s one in particular that Mariah wants to keep---but I explained to her (she already knows) that not all of these works are likely to be coming home… I always feel a little bit sad when a fun painting goes out the door and never comes back…




---Richard F. Yates

(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



Friday, August 13, 2021

"Selecting The Future (From Various Options)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Man... It seems like I've been really busy lately. I'm a doodler and a scribbler. I like to draw in my little notebook and write wistful journal notes about this and that, but since my return to THE COMPUTER, I've been burning my brain-power trying to catch up on all the projects that I neglected while I was off having adventures! I'm making progress (got a new radio show recorded, made my vacation zine, getting some new NFTs minted, plus DJing a big company picnic, going to a funeral [sorry, "celebration of life"], running errands, and trying to keep up with all the social media platforms...), but I still have stuff to do! (When do I get to just chill out and draw???)


And tomorrow, I'm hanging with my granddaughter most of the day (which will be fun, but not very conducive to business), Friday is another doctor visit in Portland, and Saturday is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY (which we're going to spend in Vancouver, Washington, checking out the I LIKE COMICS shop and the Saturday market.) So TODAY should be when I get some work done-----but I'm frazzled, already, and it's only 9:AM.


Maybe I'll chill for a bit, just listen to some tunes and such, and see if I can conjure some energy after lunch... Maybe that's what I'll do... (After I take some ibuprofen...)




"Sleep. (Frog)"

[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.]


Don't look now, but I think a dream frog has slipped out of my subconscious...again... If it gets away, it could mutate (in the "reality air") into just about anything! Whoops! There it goes....




An interview that I did with Matthew @ Cent back in July of 2020




Three pieces that I collected today from NFT Showroom by jemzign !!!

Check out NFT Showroom here:




Successfully emptied and reloaded my iPod (32 gig---that takes some time to manage.) Ate lunch with Mariah, now (instead of taking a nap) I’m going to DO STUFF! Let’s start with a few more unresolved vacation bits...


I don't know why I'm like this, but I sometimes collect ephemera---stuff that's meant to be used and then thrown away. As far as ephemera goes, what's less permanent than a freakin' napkin? Here are a few that I grabbed on our vacation (for some reason) that I just got around to scanning today...

...and here's a flier for City Lights bookstore! (My scan of the flier given away freely at the store.)



That's probably enough silly stuff from me for today. I finally gathered enough GUMPTION (obviously) to drag the scanner out of the office (so I could listen to tunes on the fancy soundsystem while I scan a bunch of stuff.) Hopefully, I'll get a bunch of materials digitized, and maybe start writing a post for tomorrow. I won't have time to work on anything until right before bed tomorrow, so the more I get done today, the FANCIER tomorrow's post is going to be! (Ha!) (I wrote "Ha!" because I don't know if ANY of my posts are "fancy," but I try to share the stuff that interests ME... If you're into other stuff, that's cool. I'm doing MY thing...)





---Richard F. Yates

(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



Tuesday, August 10, 2021

“The SHOCKING World of Idiosyncratic NFTs!” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

 My oh my… It seems like FOREVER since I’ve taken the time to mint a new NFT, and for those who were looking the wrong direction last time I committed pixels and computing power to the indeliblification of concept + visualization, here’s how I play that game:


NFTs make the perfect ARCHIVE for weird thoughts, strange performances, and bizarre imagery. I make a LOT of stuff---like EVERY DAY---and I have done this since before I could write (about 1975 or so), which means that there is a massive volume of freakish (or mundane---I like both) material floating around in the “REAL WORLD” of physical artistic expression created by me...just sitting there being bored and wanting (oh so desperately) to be engaged with. (Poor little drawings and sketches and collages and paintings… So neglected…)


However, I have also started (in 2018) translating my shenanigans to the BLOCKCHAIN world, which can be seen as a series of alternate universes that MAY prove to have a longer shelf-life than the boxes and piles where most of my creations tend to hibernate.


The NFTs that I conjure into existence (through ritual and sacrifice) are ECHOES of me. They aren’t meant to be COMMERCIAL OBJECTS designed to please a vast army of economically driven capitalist moguls. I just spent two weeks in two HEAVILY money driven locales, and I HATED most of it. Even some of the art galleries I visited were geared more towards SALES than to sharing the visions of unique personalities, and the DREAD BOREDOM evident in this pathetic excuse for gathering together and displaying artwork (sometimes wonderful and awe inspiring works)---solely for the purpose of SELLING IT---left me nauseous. That ain’t my gig. (I’m not against ARTISTS profiting from their work. Even a painter has to eat, sometimes.) I’m lucky, in a sense, that my form of SHOUTING INTO THE VOID has found a minor audience, but I’m also pleased as pie (I would have said “punch,” but I don’t care for punch)…pleased as a painted peacock to have a VENUE where I can share my weird, autobiographical, personal visions (and hallucinations), even with folks who won’t ever “BUY” them. (I like this stuff to be SEEN, and if I’m lucky, LAUGHED AT. I’m trying to make the world a more enjoyable place to spend a lifetime or two…)


In other words, I’m sharing my PERSONALITY through the creation of my NFTs, partially in a bid for immortality---although I know that a simple cataclysm could bring the entire electrical grid, and thus all them BLOCKCHAINS that require amps and volts to survive, to a screeching halt at a moment’s notice. If that happens, I still have the PHYSICAL drawings and paintings and zines that these works are derived from as a backup, but for now the NFT world allows for a much WIDER audience for my noodling…and the “HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE” that these seemingly vacuous creations conceal gets to be a little LESS HIDDEN!


Enough of the preamble ramble. Here’s the NEWLY TOKENIZED stuff! (Enjoy! It’s supposed to be fun!!!)


This first batch of artwork (along with more than a hundred other pieces) can be viewed and snickered at on the NFT SHOWROOM platform, here:


[For best results, be sure to click the “ALL CREATED ART” button. You’ll see more STUFF that way! Enjoy!]




“Hidden Knowledge”

[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.]


Sometimes knowledge is hidden simply by the fact that it hasn't been recognized or appreciated as truth by most folks. However, unfortunately, some knowledge is deliberately concealed by persons or groups...usually in an attempt to use the obfuscation as a means of retaining power over the naïve. WE (here at the Primitive Bunker) are FOR the free exchange of knowledge and information---although I sure as shit wish there was a bit more WISDOM floating around with which people could adequately parse ACCURATE information, as opposed to following a train of thought that leads to their own, prechosen destination. Learn that shit, already. It's tougher for folks to conceal knowledge and information from you if you can determine what is ACTUALLY knowledge from what is plain old bullshit.





[Various pens on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.]


The number in the bottom right corner of the image indicates to me that this drawing was part of a free-write that I performed. (I'm more of a free-scribbler than strictly a writer.) Interestingly (to me), I don't remember WHEN I did this piece. I have a shitty sense of time. I also don't remember what I wrote during the free-write. I'm a creature of the moment, sometimes, and I rely on my MEMORY ARCHIVE (primarily in paper journals) to remind me of...everything.




“Travel Sketch (Vegas)”

[Ink on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.]


Sitting in the 108 degree heat on a side street in Las Vegas (near the Flamingo Hotel, which we'd just checked out of), I decided to do some street sketchin'! For fun!!!




“Three Punkers”

[Ink on paper with digital color digitally collaged over photograph taken with my phone.]


Timmy and Tommy idolize Tony, and they'd do ANYTHING to impress him...even KILL... Luckily, Tony ain't much into violence. He prefers to listen to Descendants and Chemical People records and write angsty poetry...




“Nice and Crunchy”

[Ink on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and colors.]


An inter-dimensional traveler who occasionally visits our universe for a quick snack!




“Heat Stroke”

 [Digital drawing created with MS Paint!]


Okay, I live in the Pacific Northwest ON PURPOSE! I like summers in the mid-60s with rain at least a few times per week. I like green and trees and mellow temperatures... But for some damn reason, this year we've already had several days over 100 degrees (f), and there are more coming! WTF??? I don't do well in heat---AT ALL! You should definitely feel sorry for me... (I hope I survive to make it to the fall.....)




And that’s it for my “NEW” works on NFT Showroom (unless I’ve grown restless in the last few hours and posted a few more goodies---just for fun.) To get a look at the art that I’ve PURCHASED on that platform (technically, a SHIT TON of art), you can visit my “COLLECTION.” Go here:


(Just ignore the pieces of mine that are there. Sometimes, when I make a piece that has multiple editions, I keep one for myself… It’s weird, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles… Actually, if the cookie is chocolate chip, it won’t have time to crumble before I eat it!)



The final NFT in today’s exhibition was tokenized on the TEZOS blockchain through a little site called HIC ET NUNC. I have quite a few pieces to look at on this platform, as well, though nowhere as many as I have on NFT Showroom. Check these works out by going HERE:


Some rather fun stuff there, if you ask me! (It doesn’t hurt to look! Admission is FREE!)




“TMJ #7”

 [Ink on paper with digital embellishments.]


This piece is an abstract with simulated symbology. You could call it faux-asemic writing---if you were familiar with asemic writing and wanted to apply that concept to this image. You could also call it a sigil that was created by a computer program. Chaos computing, if you will... Or if you won't. It does what it wants!




And that’s it for this exhibition of unbridled self-expression. Feel free to send me a link to any of YOUR thrilling or bizarre or oddball creations, and I’ll give them a squint! Let’s keep these types of cultural artifacts out of the hands of the bankers and business-owners and keep the EXPERIENCE of these types of works open to the PUBLIC (who sure as shit NEED some laughter and diversion these days…)


Later, skaters!!!


---Richard F. Yates

(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



Monday, August 9, 2021

“Vacation! (All We Ever Wanted!) Zine” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Howdy Humans! Knowing the importance of pleasing the wife, I sat down today (despite a STRONG urge to do a new radio show) and put together a new zine showcasing the photos I captured (with my phone) on our extended, two-week vacation. This zine is heavy on the visuals and light on those pesky words, which tend to annoy most folks. (I love words, especially confusing and extraneous words, which is why I’m a writer / slash / artist…)


What you will find (for free, I might add) if you click the link below is a 22 page JOURNEY through arts and sights and (a bit of) silliness. If you just want to LOOK at the zine---it’s a PDF file---you can “left-click” on the link and open the file in your browser, or you can download the file and enjoy it as often as you like… Or even print the thing. The same is true of all of my free PDFs, although the SIZES on these pieces vary. This book is 11 inches by 8.5 inches, landscape format… There are a TON of images from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, which both Mariah and I found to be a great experience, so if you want to see some of the pieces that the SFMOMA has on display at the moment, here’s your chance.




I’d love to hear from anybody else who visited any of the places chronicled in this zine, particularly the museum. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what your experiences where like! Meanwhile, I’m gonna start putting together a radio show! (Ha!) Below, you’ll find a complete list of the free PDFs that I’ve made available for anybody to read or download. The point of these is to spread the love, share the art, and inspire folks to make their own shit! DO IT! It’s easy. It’s cheap. And with the help of social media, you can distribute your work all around the world INSTANTLY! Even if that work is just some vacation snaps… Ha! I say, “WHY NOT?”







(22 pages of vacation photos full of sights and experiences and arts (and not too many words)!)




BY THE POOL ZINE (July 2021)

(14 pages of STUFF drawn on July 30th 2021, mostly by the pool at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.)




23 ARTZ + WORDZ zine Issue #1

(23 somewhat randomly chosen, tokenized works of crytpo-art, created by me over the last four years on various platforms, PLUS the wordz that give them context or help the art make less sense!)





(Lit zine collecting the unfinished SMALL TOWN SHADOWPLAY serialized story! Do-it-yourself ending!)





(12 inch by 12 inch digital collage pdf.)





(The first 37 pieces of "cover art" for my PUNKTRONIC pirate radio podcast.)





(Odd collage "zine" produced at 30 inches by 30 inches... Not sure why I did it this way, but there ya go!)





(Art / lit zine.)





(11 inch by 17 inch propaganda poster!)






---Richard F. Yates

(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



Sunday, August 8, 2021

“DJing a Company Picnic!” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



For those who don’t know, that little piece of media in the photo above is known as a MINIDISC! It’s a mostly obsolete technology, but the dang things still work! I started working with Music & More DJs somewhere around 1998, and these little disks were the primary sources for the tunes I played at COUNTLESS weddings, school dances, birthday parties, company gatherings, and holiday events over the next couple of DECADES…

 And yesterday (Saturday, August 7th, 2021), I sat down with a box of CDs, a tub of MiniDiscs, a Mackie board, and two dual CD/Mini players and doled out the tunes at Tam O’ Shanter Park (in Kelso, Washington) for SEVEN STRAIGHT HOURS! I love playing music for people, especially kids, who will dance to just about anything, but even I have a tough time filling seven hours with music, on the fly, picking tunes live in the moment, and trying to entertain over a thousand people with no complaints. I had ONE request yesterday (“Slow Ride” by Foghat, but there’s a good chance I was going to play that cut anyway), played one song accidentally (“Footloose” by Kenny Loggins---people generally like that one, but I don’t), and I TRIED to play a track by Samantha Fox, but the CD was ginked out and sounded horrible, so I faded out after a few seconds and moved on to the next tune. Luckily, most folks were there having a good time, eating food, playing something called “Corn Hole” (I don’t like that name), and wandering around the various booths and shit, so I don’t know if anyone noticed that the song sounded bad. Nobody said anything, anyway…. In fact, the few people who came up to the DJ booth at all during the event said positive things. That was pretty cool!

I should probably mention, the songs that I’m listing below are the tunes that I played, in order, at the picnic. These are NOT the exact tunes that I would have played if it was just ME listening, but I stand by these music selections. (FEAR NO POP MUSIC!) Without further rambling, here’s the playlist for the 7th of August at the JH Kelly company picnic @ Tam O’ Shanter Park:


---Simple Minds – “Alive and Kicking”

---Joe Walsh – “Rocky Mountain Way”

---Led Zeppelin – “Misty Mountain Hop”

---Weezer – “Buddy Holly”

---Aerosmith – “Sweet Emotion”

---Eddie Money – “Baby Hold On”

---Seal – “Crazy”

---INXS – “Need You Tonight”

---Devo – “Whip It”

---Bon Jovi – “Wanted Dead or Alive”


[It’s sprinkling on me a bit, but that’s okay. Feels good!]


---Oasis – “Wonderwall”

---Joan Jett – “Dirty Deeds”

---David Bowie – “Diamond Dogs”

---Fine Young Cannibals – “She Drives Me Crazy”

---Talking Heads – “And She Was”

---Bachman-Turner Overdrive – “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”

---The Jimi Hendrix Experience – “The Wind Cries Mary”

---Eurythmics – “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)”

---The Breeders – “Cannonball”

---J. Geils Band – “Freeze Frame”

---Joe Jackson – “Is She Really Going Out With Him?”

---Michael Jackson – “Billie Jean”

---Dr. John – “Right Place, Wrong Time”

---Kiss – “Rock and Roll All Nite”

---Rednex – “Cotton Eye Joe”

---Scorpions – “Rock You Like a Hurricane”

---The Doors – “Peace Frog”

---The B-52’s – “Love Shack”

---Prince & The Revolution – “When Doves Cry”

---Queen – “Another One Bites the Dust”

---Stevie Wonder – “Sir Duke”

---Peter Gabriel – “In Your Eyes”

---Frankie Valli – “Grease”

---The Beatles – “Day Tripper”

---Vampire Weekend – “Harmony Hall”

---Thin Lizzy – “The Boys are Back in Town”

---The Beach Boys – “Kokomo”

---The Sweet – “Fox on the Run”

---Eddy Grant – “Electric Avenue”

---Elton John – “Tiny Dancer”

---Foghat – “Slow Ride”

---Guns N’ Roses – “Sweet Child O’ Mine”

---Van Halen – “Jump”

---Corey Hart – “Sunglasses at Night”

---Snap – “The Power”

---Grateful Dead – “Casey Jones”

---Journey – “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)”

---Blondie – “Rapture”

---Creedence Clearwater Revival – “Down on the Corner”

---Loverboy – “Lovin’ Every Minute of It”

---Yes – “Roundabout”

---Elvis Presley – “Blue Suede Shoes”

---Steppenwolf – “Born to Be Wild”

---AC/DC – “You Shook Me All Night Long”

---Rod Stewart – “Maggie May”

---Ace of Base – “All That She Wants”

---Billy Idol – “Rebel Yell”

---Slade – “Cum on Feel the Noize”

---Kenny Loggins – “Footloose” (Oooops… Accident.)

---Lipps, Inc. – “Funky Town (Remix)”

---Nirvana – “Lithium”

---The Cars – “Moving in Stereo”

---Styx – “Come Sail Away”

---John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John – “You’re the One That I Want”

---Lita Ford – “Kiss Me Deadly”

---Edwyn Collins – “A Girl Like You”

---Golden Earring – “Twilight Zone”

---(various) – “I Love Rock & Roll (Ultimix Megamix)”

---John Fogerty – “Centerfield”

---King Harvest – “Dancing in the Moonlight”

---Bob Marley & The Wailers – “Could You Be Loved”

---The Rolling Stones – “Start Me Up”

---Def Leppard – “Photograph”

---Jesus Jones – “Right Here, Right Now”

---Pink Floyd – “Money”

---ZZ Top – “Gimme All Your Lovin’”

---Poison – “Talk Dirty to Me”

---Oak Ridge Boys – “Elvira”

---The Fixx – “One Thing Leads to Another”

---Madonna – “Vogue”

---George Michael – “Faith”

---David Bowie – “Changes”

---Little Richard – “Tutti Frutti”

---Don McLean – “American Pie” [All EIGHT MINUTES!]

---Right Said Fred – “I’m Too Sexy”

---Eagles – “Take It to the Limit”

---The Go-Go’s – “We Got the Beat”

---Alphaville – “Forever Young (Special Extended Mix)”

---The Hollies – “Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress)”

---The Cars – “Good Times Roll”

---The Clash – “Rock the Casbah”

---Enigma – “Return to Innocence”

---Wild Cherry – “Play That Funky Music”

---Cheap Trick – “Surrender”

---Nine Inch Nails – “Down in It”

---Autograph – “Turn Up the Radio”

---Morris Day & The Time – “The Bird”

---Parliament – “Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof Off the Sucker)”

---The Jimi Hendrix Experience – “Purple Haze”

---Toni Basil – “Mickey”

---Donna Summer – “Last Dance”


That’s it! When I used to DJ every week for M&M, I would try to end with “Last Dance,” and even country-western fans could get into that cut (if they were drunk enough.) It was kinda my signature “sign off!”

 Last year, the event was cancelled (something to do with somebody being sick or something), and the year before that (2019), I was out of town so I missed the picnic, but counting this Saturday, I think I’ve played this particular event seven times. It’s always fun (for me), and I’ll happily do it again next year, if they’ll have me back! This picnic is the only real (paid) DJ gig that I do anymore---not counting all of the relatives of mine who keep getting married and having me play music for them. (I thought about selling my gear so peeps would leave me alone, but I still get the urge to set up in the backyard every once in a while and have an impromptu dance party… Oh, and I sometimes DJ kids’ dances at the Longview Public Library, which is usually a lot of fun. (I do those gigs for free of course. I try to support the local library any way that I can.)

 Okay! Enough chatting for this post! Mariah (the wife) tells me that I have to do a post with all of our vacation photos next (from San Francisco and Vegas and various stops in-between), so that will probably be what I upload tomorrow or Tuesday. (I’m planning to do it as another free PDF zine, so keep an eye out for that!) LATER!!!


---Richard F. Yates

(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



Friday, August 6, 2021

“Free PDF Zine for Funky Folks!” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


After visiting the SF Museum of Modern Art AND City Lights bookstore AND-AND this cool comic shop in Ashland, Oregon, that sold zines and underground books (I can’t remember the name, unfortunately), I felt the urge to just make some ARTZ. You can see in this zine the obvious influence of some of the abstract art that Mariah and I saw at the various galleries and museums that we visited, but the idea of just communicating my MOMENT---the feelings and thoughts that were running through my head as I was sitting by the pool and watching the human display flopping around in front of me---was also important. (I like to sit with my back to a wall, so people don’t get behind me. It’s a neurotic thing…)


If you’re interested in art or cartooning or communication, feel free to grab a FREE copy of this zine (in PDF format) and give it a look! If you’re amused, let me know. If you are inspired to make your own zines, send me information on how to get my hands on a copy. I love examples of free expression, and I’d be happy to let you know what I think of your creation! (Get that conversation started!)


Here’s the link:

BY THE POOL ZINE (July 2021)

(14 pages of STUFF drawn on July 30th 2021, mostly by the pool at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.)




Thanks for stopping by! If you enjoy weird things like this, here is a list of several OTHER free PDF zines that I’ve made for people to enjoy! Give these suckers a look! (FUN!!!)




23 ARTZ + WORDZ zine Issue #1

(23 somewhat randomly chosen, tokenized works of crytpo-art, created by me over the last four years on various platforms, PLUS the wordz that give them context or help the art make less sense!)





(Lit zine collecting the unfinished SMALL TOWN SHADOWPLAY serialized story! Do-it-yourself ending!)





(12 inch by 12 inch digital collage pdf.)





(The first 37 pieces of "cover art" for my PUNKTRONIC pirate radio podcast.)





(Odd collage "zine" produced at 30 inches by 30 inches... Not sure why I did it this way, but there ya go!)





(Art / lit zine.)





(11 inch by 17 inch propaganda poster!)




I think my next post will be either a new radio show (on 3Speak) or a book review. I have to DJ a big company picnic tomorrow, so I’m not sure if I’ll get around to posting anything, but by Sunday, I should be ready to rock-n-roll again! See you then!


---Richard F. Yates

(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



Thursday, August 5, 2021

“I’m BAAAACK!” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Did you miss me? It’s good to be back home again. Hello to any NEW folks out there in DIGITAL LAND (William Gibson called it “Cyberspace,” but we’ll forgive him.) If this is your first encounter with my rambling shenanigans and primitivist artworkia, don’t take anything you are about to encounter TOO seriously. Just go with it. (Once you’ve reached Consciousness Level 13, it ALL becomes serious, but for now, just have fun…)


For the last two weeks, my wife, Mariah, and I have been trapsing across four different states, driving and walking and flying our way around Washington, Oregon, California, and Nevada. We spent the first half of the vacation driving to San Francisco and back. Then we took a day to wash our clothes, grabbed our younger daughter, and flew out of Portland, Oregon, off to Sin City (Las Vegas.) We spent five days in the scorching heat, noise, and debauchery before finally returning to the cool, calm, and comforting Pacific Northwest.


During our adventures we visited museums, art galleries, bookstores (including CITY LIGHTS!), comic shops, restaurants (FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!!), casinos (we don’t actually gamble, but the flashing lights are cool), and even a very nice pool. (It was perfect for ME because I tend to burn to death in even moderate sunshine, and this pool had a faux-cave area with a waterfall feature where I spent most of my time in the shade! I got to float around in the water but didn’t combust!)


One overpowering THING that I was confronted with, HEAD ON, during this entire trip was the rampant, crass, disgusting (in my view), pointless consumerism. All flash and no substance. There were LINES to get into certain branded retail shops, and in one of the art galleries I visited, the curator (or clerk or whatever) suddenly lost interest in our conversation when he realized I wasn’t going to buy a $1,000.00 unsigned Miro lithograph. A thousand bucks IS actually a decent price for a Miro, even unsigned, and if I were a wealthy feller I might have considered purchasing it! However, if you are the type of person who is only interested in art or design or creativity because of the MONEY, then you’re missing the entire fucking point of ART, and I feel a sense of profound sorrow that these entirely materialistic folks are so intimately involved in the ART WORLD. Well, maybe I’m not feeling sorrow, but a Holy Fool ain’t supposed to feel RAGE, (I’m too goddam enlightened, unfortunately), so sorrow is how I would describe my emotional state when I see works meant to inspire wonder or create connection to something DEEPER---but all most people seem to do is reduced the work to a fucking dollar sign… It’s bullshit---and one of the reasons that I’m enjoying my experiences in DIGITAL LAND. There is a COMMUNITY to be found there, and it’s incredibly easy to make and share NFTs and pdf zines and make direct contact with other creative types through social media---with people who appreciate these works for MORE than their monetary value.


BUT now we’re home again---THANK BOB! We both agree that we’re going to avoid ever taking TWO vacations back-to-back any time soon. In fact, I personally, would be happy just not going back to Vegas OR San Francisco at all! (Too big, too many people, too expensive, too much of pain trying to get anywhere, too...much…) Mariah and I loved Ashland, Oregon, though, (where we stayed the first night), and I’d be perfectly happy to visit there again any time. Honestly, I think our trips to the coast in Oregon and Washington are still my favorite vacation destinations…


This isn’t to say we had a bad time on this trip. We saw City Lights bookstore (as a fan of Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, visiting this store was one of my life goals), the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, watched a live performance by Criss Angel, and spotted a million cool, weird, off-beat things. (I’ll be making a couple different travel zines so I can share a bunch of the photos I took!) Both Mariah and I came away from the experience inspired and ready to get back to work. (I also wrote and drew and read a bunch while we were vacating, and I’ll be sharing that stuff, either as posts or zines or NFTs, in the near future!) I’ve also reconfigured my understanding of what social media IS and how it can be used (for things like archiving and connecting---connecting with other people AND connecting various works to each other.)


So that’s it! We’re back home and ready to get rolling! Keep an eye out for lots of new work over the next couple of weeks!!!




P.S.: [For fun, here’s a piece I drew today that shows an example of that “connecting” I mentioned above. A friend of mine posted an image of the morning sun (affected by the local wildfires), and I made a digital drawing OVER her image and shared it as a comment under her post! It’s simple, but it IS a form of connecting!]

---Richard F. Yates

(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)